Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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“Guys Marriage Works” Akothee Reduced To Behaving Like A Child In The Name Of Love

Love works in strange ways, for Akothee’s case it is literally torturing her.

The mother of two recently raise eyebrows after she revealed that she couldn’t eat because Omondi was away.

Akothee took to social media to narrate how she was struggling to eat ever since Omondi went away.

“Guys marriage works . Omosh left yesterday afternoon and I feel like he left last month , I didn’t want to eat alone ,so I went and had dinner with my sister & her family who lives next to me , today I only ate lunch because my mother was visiting, now I have no passion to cook because I can’t eat alone.

“Can’t go to my sister its raining and I am lazy & tired
My chef is on leave and my hubby not here , life is difficult.
I made a mistake to tell Omosh I can’t eat alone. Now he has booked his flight ,instead of two weeks ,he will come back in 5 days . Eeee mapenziiiii. Nani atakuja kukaa na mimi Hadi Omosh arudi,” Akothee wrote.

The singer is set to get married to Omondi in a traditional wedding.

Related: Akothee’s Wedding Preparations Shifts Into High Gear In Rongo




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