Zuchu To Sue Mwijaku After His Fight With Her Mother Khadija Kopa

Zuchu has decided to institute legal action against Tanzania’s number one gossiper Mwijaku.

The Bongo singer opted to sue Mwijaku after he was embroiled in an ugly fight with her mother legendary Taarab singer Khadija Kopa.

The whole drama started after Mwijaku advised Khadija Kopa to adhere to Islamic teachings and to press her daughter against getting sleeping with her boss Diamond Platnumz before getting married officially and receiving the blessings of Allah according to the laws of the Islamic religion.

Mwijaku said that even Zuchu’s own mother seems to glorify the issue of her daughter committing adultery with Diamond before marriage, saying that it is against the wishes of Allah.

Mwijaku went a step further and quoted several verses of the sahafa saying that it is wrong for a person to commit adultery before marriage – an issue that he said Khadija Kopa seems to enjoy despite being a Muslim.

Zuchu with her mother Khadija Kopa

However, Mama Khadija Kopa turned against this advice of Mwijaku, calling him a hypocrite who has no respect for women.

“Wewe hukusoma, dini gani imesema umdhalilishe mwanaadamu mwenzio kwa njia yeyote wewe nimdhalilishaji wa wanawake mpaka picha za utupu umetuma kumdhalilisha leo unajifanya unajuwa dini nijibu kwa aya aya gani imesema umdhalilishe mtu. Nilikwambia nataka mtu azini nimekwambia ndoa unaona dilili kwani mtu huolewa na Alieandikiwa naye nani anae taka mtoto wake azini wewe unakipwate unajiona wewe peke yako hapa duniani uko sawa wakati unayoyafanya huyaoni unayafumbia macho kwa kuwatolea wenzio maneno ya karaja unajifanya unachekesha unafikiri watu wanapenda unaowafanyoa au hujasikia atemdhalilisha mwenziwe naye atadhalilishwa mara mia moja,” Khadija Kopa ranted.

Mwijaku answered her saying that he speaks like a wise voice from God, beating his chest that he is a scholar with two degrees and also with a great understanding of religion, emphasizing that there is not a single verse in the Quran that encourages adultery.

Kopa further reprimanded him by telling him that it is only hunger pangs that make him shout careless words as long as he gets something to put in his mouth.

Kopa also told Mwijaku that he too has a daughter and she is waiting for her to grow up so that she can see how he will raise them in the religious values ​​he is telling her.

“Hukutaka kunifundisha ulitaka kunidhalilisha kama ulitaka kunifundisha si tunakutana siungenambia mbona hujanambia umekwenda kukaa kwenye waamdishi unidhalilishe alama za mnafiki hizo nawewe unazo. Unachekesha sana unayo mtendeya mwenzio nawewe yatakufika omba mungu akunusuru dunia ndo hiihii mamaako hakuomba kuwa na mtoto usohaya kama wewe,” Kopa said.

The issue has hurt Zuchu a lot and she admitted that she cannot stay away when she sees her mother being humiliated.

Zuchu has since vowed to go in the legal direction to use even if it is all his money but to ensure that his mother gets the respect she deserves.

“Kwenu hakuna wazinzi? Hujamaliza kuzungumza nao hao mpaka ukamuongelelee mamangu kwenye vyombo vya habari. Wallahi naapa nitatumia kila senti kwenye akaunti yangu na wallahi nitakutolea mfano. Zungumza kabisa na mabosi wako wanaokuweka na mimi nitazungumza na huyo unayesema sisi tumfuate wallahi nimekuacha mno ila kwa hili la mamangu utakuwa fundisho kwa wenzio,” Zuchu ranted.

However, Mwijaku claimed that it was Zuchu’s mother who started abusing him.

“Mie sijamuongelea mama yako. Yeye ndiye kanifuata na kuniita jina Kipwite. Jiulize nani kamfuata mweziwe. Na hapo nimekumbusha tu kwa sababu ni wajibu wangu kama muislamu,” Mwijaku defended himself.

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