Why Kenyan Women Prefer Using Sex Toys To Men

A few days ago, news emerged that they are a lot of sex toys stuck at the Kenyan ports, something that would make you wonder why Kenya are opting to import such staff in large staff.

For Kenyans to import such toys in numbers, means that their usage in the country is also high. This could make you wonder why are Kenyan men and women are opting to use these gadgets.

In this article, however, we will only look at some of the reasons why Kenyan women are opting to buy sex toys.

Some women prefer sex toys such as vibrators because they are easy to use, easy to clean, and a perfect choice when they need some one-on-one time without the help of a sexual partner.

In some cases, they use both vibrators and a sexual to exert more sexual pleasures and fun.

For others, vibrators beat men in exerting their desired sexual pleasure.

According to a survey, here are some of the reasons why women prefer vibrators to men.

Vibrators never lose power

With vibrators, women claim that they have control over the pace of their orgasm and can do it repeatedly without waiting for a man to regain his sexual power.

When they get impatient

Some women don’t really like vibrators but sometimes, they get impatient and want a quick orgasm. According to them, sometimes they are not patient to wait for foreplay from partner hence use sex toys to give them a quick sexual pleasure.

They have control of the sexual intercourse 

With sex toys, a woman can easily stop the sexual activity without feeling guilty which is a bit difficult to while having sex without understanding your partner.

It is time-efficient

With sex toys, a woman doesn’t need to prepare for sex, they only need to have the toy.

Men don’t make them cum

Some women claim that vibrators make them cum, unlike men. According to them, vibrators worked at different frequencies for a long time while men’s pace sometimes slows down during sex.

They being in control of their own pleasure

As much as a woman love the connection of their men, they love being in control of their own pleasure more.

‘Sometimes I just need to be selfish and get off to go to sleep, and I don’t want to have to worry about my partner’s needs,’ a woman told Metro.

Men might disappoint

Some women argue that sometimes sex with a man might disappoint, but with vibrators, that can never happen.

Take their time to climax

A woman might prefer using vibrators because she can take her time to climax. Sometimes they feel bad for the long time they take to reach the climax during sex.


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