Size 8’s near decade long journey in salvation has culminated with her being ordained as a minister to spread the gospel of Christ and save more lost souls.
The mother of two got saved in 2013, shortly after she got married to DJ Mo, and has never looked back, her faith has only grown stronger over years.
Size 8 became a new person altogether When she gave her life to Christ, she even requested local TV and radio stations to stop playing her secular songs.
Eight years into salvation, Size 8 is graduating to serving the Lord as a preacher rather than just a singer.
The mother of two will be ordained as a pastor on December 12th 2021. She took to social media to share her excitement ahead of the event.
“I will be ordained as a minister of God’s word, a servant of the most high God this Sunday and waaaa hiii ni emotional kwangu???? God is not a man that He should lie. He chooses whoever and changes them to serve Him…. My life is like a movie from the secular world to an ordained servant of God ??? see God…… GODS GRACE IS Real……..
“I got born again 2013 I started the Gospel music journey, five years later 2018 I went to bible school and graduated and now 8 years later 2021 am going to be ordained ???? see God… And to God be the glory only by His grace, His power and spirit thru His son Jesus Christ has this happened
IN GOD’S TIME HE MAKES EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL!!! TO my husband @djmokenya thanks for allowing me to go serve God and to my Pastor and mentors Pastor Kelvin and Jacky Ephraim God bless you all…..” wrote Size 8.