Samidoh Reveals Shiru Wa GP Was His Primary School “Girlfriend”

Samidoh and Shiru wa GP

“Sasa siku moja nikaandikia Shiru barua, kalikuwa 6b na mimi 6l,” Samidoh narrates.

Samidoh has always been a ladies man it seems since his primary school days. In a long post, he reveals how a love letter he wrote to Shiru Wa GP landed him in trouble.

Shiru was a daughter to an a teacher of English at the school one Mr Anne Muratha. As a result, Samidoh was called to the staff room and you know back then, that was a sign of trouble brewing.

“Kuna haka kasichana ka Mrs. Anne Muratha , Shiru Wa Gp , kalikuwa 6b na mimi 6l. Mrs Waithaga alikuwa anatufunza kizungu(English) na alikuwa no nonsense. Kwanza angevalia ile fulana ya kinyau, hio siku alikuwa.

Sasa siku moja nikaandikia Shiru barua, mistari nilikuwa natoa kwa nyimbo za country za akina Don Williams, Kenny Rodgers, Alison Krauus na wengineo wengi. Jioni tukitoka shule nikakapea.”

Shiru Wa GP like any other lass in Primary School saw it as bad manners most probably and thus, saw it wise to hide Samidoh’s letter making advances on her.

Shiru wa GP

On arrival at the staff room, he found teachers enjoying some tea

“Shiru after kusoma kalieka barua kati kati ya kitabu ya english, sijui alikuwa ameona new words au, The next day, tukiwa lesson ya pili, niliona Karangu Muraya amekuja class yetu akaambia mwalimu wa hesabu ati naitwa staffroom. Kwenda staffroom, nikapata Wasammy amekalia kiti ya Mr. Waigwa akikunywa chai.”

Samidoh was requested to go back and bring his composition book, in confusion. He boasts that his writing was superb and always scored good marks.

“Kwanza nikashidwoo, kwani Wasammy amekuwa mwalimu. Mrs. Wamuratha akaniambia nirudi class nikuje na kitabu yangu ya composition. Nikaendea nikaileta. Kumpatia akaanza kuonyesha Wasammy vile nimekuwa nikiandika compo mzuri,btw mi nilikuwa nagonga hadi 38/40 msinione hivi hivi.”

“Wasammy hadi akawa ananigeukia na kuniambia, “good boy”. The only english words nimewai skia wasammy akiongea. Composition ya mwisho nilikuwa nimepata 32/40. Mwalimu akamwambia,b”nîwona haha nîambîtie gûcoka na thutha (unaona hapa ameanza kurudi na nyuma)?” . Wasammy akamwambia, “nîagûtwîra nîkîî tokorwo ndarahûna (atatwambia ni nini maybe hashibi).”

Mrs Muratha had actually marked the work and awarded him close to perfection, unaware that it was a love letter to her daughter Shiru.

Anne Muratha

“Mwalimu akamwambia, “Wathamweli reke nguonie gîtûmi (wasammy wacha nikuonyeshe sababu)”. Akatoa ile barua niliandikia Shiru, mtoto wake kuharibu maneno, alikuwa ameimark na akanipea 39/40.”

The letter was exciting to read and it showcased his mastery in self expression. Since Samidoh was using Don William song lyrics, he was nicknamed Don Williams. He was asked if he wanted all grils in the village to be his girlfriends, starting with the teacher’s daughter?

“Wasammy aliisoma akismile, nikajiambia hakuna nomaaaa anafurahia kijana anajua kuji express lakini vile alishika skirt yake ile ya shifoni ya green, akaieka “gikundo”(knot) karibu na goti ya left, alafu akasimama akauliza, “Do williams, ûmbite ahiki oothe a itûra ûkarîkia wona wanjanie na ciana cia arimu (don williams,unakatia wasichana wote wa kijiji ukaona uanzie watoto wa walimu sasa)?”


World War 3 like drama broke afterwards, the mugithi singer narrates further. He escaped through the classroom windows like a phone snatcher, in the smelly backstreets of Odeon area in the city of Nairobi.

Nikajua nî gwathûka o rimwe(kumeharibika). My people, ile WW3 ilianguka hapo. Wacha vile alinigongesha meza ya Mrs.waigwa hadi akapiga nduru. Vile niliona dirisha ndo iko karibu, nikarukia hapo nikatoka mbio.

Things happened too fast, only thing he could hear was fellow pupils who were on class break, calling his name Samuel, Samuel.

“Sijui kama Wasammy alirukia kwa dirisha au alitokea kwa mlango , lakini niliskia watoto juu walikuwa wameshatoka break wakishangilia, “Thamweli… thamweli…thamweli” wengine nao maharers wangu “wasammy…Wasammy..wasammy”

Samidoh didn’t reveal if they dated, but in primary school, pupils would spot and claim someone as their “girlfriends” underwater without asking them out.

Looks like Samuel had a crush on Shiru Wa GP for days.

Samidoh and Shiru wa GP are two of the most popular musicians in Kenya from the land of maumau fighters, lots of soup and potatoes lovers. Both artists have a significant following in the country, with many fans drawn to their unique style and relatable lyrics.
Samidoh and Shiru wa GP

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