Omosh Drives Akothee Wild With His Magical Arms “Ulishikwa Hivi Lini, Ama Wewe Unashikwa Tu Na Polisi?”


Akothee and Omosh can’t get enough of each other, the mzungu bae is touching all her right spots to perfection.

Akothee, a popular Kenyan singer and songwriter never fails to update online in-laws of her love and family life.

She is known for her music and also a business woman. Her business ventures include real estate, farming and transport services.

She is also big when it comes to helping the needy in the communities and for her philanthropic works across the country.

Esther Akoth describes herself as the president of all single mother, and proud single mother to her children.

She has been open about her struggles as a single mother and has often spoken about the challenges she faced in raising her children on her own.

Despite this, she has been able to provide for her children and give them a good life.

She is very proud of her children and often shares pictures and videos of them on her social media accounts.

Her life changed when she met one Mista Omosh, who she says is always spoiling her with love.

In recent posts, Akoth reveals it’s her first time experiencing the dating and courtship; many of her past relationship did not have this stage.

She has been open about her personal life and has shared details about her relationships with men in the past and currently Omosh is the one enjoying the spoils that come with dating Akothee.

Akothee asks,”Ulishikwa hivi lini, ama wewe unashikwa tu na polisi , homa na wenginezo 🤣🤣🤣Omondi idhi nega pare!”


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