Saturday, July 27, 2024

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KRG Explains Why He Contributed Little Money For Mustafa Despite Being A Billionaire

“Siwezi accumulate pesa yangu na serving spoon then you expect me to give away with a shovel,” KRG told content creators.


The dancehall artist and businessman is among the celebrities who raised Kshs 1 million for rapper Colonel Mustafa in a fund drive that was organized through a WhatsApp group.

KRG contributed Kshs 20,000 which many feel was so little for a man who poses as a billionaire.

KRG has however explained why he did not contribute a bigger amount for the legendary rapper saying that Kenyans have no mandate to dictate what he contributes.

“I don’t who gave Kenyans the right to dictate what we do with our lives . I don’t know if you saw Sonko’s video saying his money is his not for children. Ukiwa na bibi ama watoto ama rafiki ako na shida hawapati mandate ya kujua ni limit kiasi gani utatoa kwasababu wewe ndio unajua pesa kiasi gani uko nayo na umepangia nini. Sisi wote ni viumbe vya mwenyezi Mungu na Mungu anabariki ile level uko,” the artist said, adding that he can’t give out a lot of money that he worked so hard to get.

“Level ile niko najua nikitoa kiwango fulani kwa msaada kwa mtu fulani itamsaidia kusukuma. Ule mtu nasaidia si kiwete si eti ako na ulemavu wa aina fulani ni mtu kama sisi. We are going out of our way to help our brother so that he can be stable. We are giving him a push, we are not helping someone. No one can come to dictate me because I have billions, niache shida zangu nikuje kutoa pesa nyingi nikitoa kiholelaholea hivyo halafu nifilisike si mtanichekelea. Siwezi accumulate pesa yangu na serving spoon then you expect me to give away with a shovel, nigawe mali yangu si nitafilisika. Lazima utoe kwa kiwango kidogo.”

KRG further said that he entered the Whatsapp group late and it had only remained a small amount to hit the target.

He further said that he has never met Mustafa in real life but he acknowledges him as a legend.



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