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Karen Nyamu: When Mama Ngina Said Her Property Should Be Sold To Offset Tax Nilijua Ruto Ananyorosha Hii Nchi

Karen Nyamu mocked retired president Uhuru’s mother saying that she has been humbled by Ruto.

Former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta spoke out against what she termed pointless politicisation of tax matters.

While reacting to accusations that her family was not paying taxes, Mama Ngina said politicians were peddling lies so that they can be seen to be working.

The former First Lady spoke on Saturday while addressing members of the public during the opening of the Tewa Catholic Church which she helped build in Mpeketoni, Lamu County.

“Naskia mengine inasemwa ati wengine hawatoi kodi, hawatoi nini…nashangaa kwa sababu kila mtu anaamka kusema hii na mwengine anasema hii, lakini serikali iko na laini yake ya vile mambo inaendeshwa,” she said.

“Mambo ya kodi, income tax ni lazima, mkubwa au mdogo, kulipa kulingana na uwezo wake na mapato yake. Hiyo si mambo ya kuzungumza katika magazeti, kwa mikutano, ama TV. Kwa sababu ukikosa kulipa kodi unapelekwa kortini, hiyo ndio sheria.”

Mama Ngina went ahead to dare the government to auction her property and belongings in order to settle any perceived debt if it is indeed true that she has not been paying her taxes.

“Ukikosa kulipa ile unatakiwa kulipa, lazima vitu vyako vitachukuliwa na kuuzwa. Kwa hivyo hakuna haja…hakuna mambo ya kuwaharibia wengine majina ndio watu wasikike eti wanafanya kazi, wanaendesha nchi, hapana,” she added.

“Mtu ashtakiwe alipe ile kitu anatakiwa kulipa. Na kama ni mimi, ata nikiwa na mwaka mmoja nimekosea bila kulipa, mali ichukuliwe ilipe ile tax. Kwa hivyo hakuna haja ya kufanya siasa hivi na vile…na watu wanajua hawasemi ukweli, wanataka tu kusema ndio wasikike eti wanataja majina.”

Reacting to Mama Ngina’s sentiments, nominated senator Karen Nyamu said that Ruto was indeed working to fix the nation.

“Did anybody actually think that President Ruto the man from Kamagut brought up in the most ordinary kenyan homestead and rising through the ranks to campaign for presidency on a hustler ticket, get elected by millions of on a hustler hope and dream, would preside over discriminatory inequitable preferential oppressive arrangements against the common mwananchi?

“The day i watched mama Ngina Kenyarra suggest that property may as well be disposed to offset tax owed is the day nilijua Ruto ananyorosha hii nchi. Surely its only just that every Kenyan must pay tax. We are fixing this Nation,” Karen Nyamu wrote.



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