Saturday, July 27, 2024

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“Jalang’o You Can Disown Me really?” Ida Odinga Castigates Her Village-mate Jalang’o

Jalang’o was labelled a traitor by Raila Odinga after he betrayed the Odinga family and ODM party.

The comedian-cum-politician was a good friend of the Odingas but apparently he was only using their influence to get elected.

The Lang’ata MP was elected on ODM ticket but switched allegiance and aligned himself with president William Ruto.

Speaking at the Azimio Parliamentary Group meeting in Machakos on February 9, 2023, Raila dismissed ODM lawmakers who are meeting president William Ruto under the guise that they are seeking development projects for their constituencies.

Raila said under the new constitution opposition MPs don’t need to kneel before the government to get development projects for their constituencies since the constitution guarantees them funds for development.

“If you want to go and see Mr President as a personal project in State House go. But if you want to go and talk about issues that affect the party then you must be given permission by the party before you go to see the president. These people must be seen for what are – traitors in the course of a revolution. We are in a cause of very serious issue,” Raila said.

Fast forward to April 10, Jalang’o met with Raila’s wife Ida Odinga at Akothee’s wedding.

At the wedding, Ida painfully lamented how she was hurt by Jalang’o’s betrayal.

“But I was so happy to see some of my best friends who were my best friends until elections. One of them is my brother here Jalang’o. Jalang’o inyalo kwetha adier? (you can disown me, really) You know the road. Kisumu/Busia road it separates your home from my home. We come from the same village,” Ida said.


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