Saturday, July 27, 2024

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“I Can NEVER Give Fans Money” Diana Marua Stupidly Ruins Bahati’s Political Career As She Cautions Beggars 

Diana Marua can’t help beggars financially yet her husband Bahati wants to be the next MP for Mathare constituency – big problem.

Bahati’s wife cautioned beggars while speaking on her YouTube show together with pregnant actress Jackie Matubia.

Speaking on the show, Diana said she can’t give her fans money because she also sweats to make money.

Bahati’s wife instead asked begging fans to use their phones to make content and earn money online.

“You either scroll watch people’s content ama take the phone and make your own content,” said Diana Marua.

Diana’s sentiment has a big negative impact on her husband’s young political career. Kenyan politics is about handouts, if you can’t give people money don’t expect their votes.

Bahati officially announced that he will be vying for the Mathare MP seat under Jubilee party’s ticket.

Bahati, whose real name is Kevin Kioko, was on March 18th welcomed at Jubilee Party’s Headquarters.

“Mimi Mtoto Wa Mathare… I am a proud member of the Jubilee Party and the Azimio Movement. I am accepting the calling to vie for this seat,” said Bahati.

Before his announcement, Bahati released a song in collaboration with ODM leader Raila Odinga dubbed ‘fire’.

Fire is a phrase the ODM leader has commonly been using in his campaign rallies.

If Bahati want to stand a chance of winning the Mathere seat, Diana Marua better be careful with her utterances on social media. Politics is largely a game of perception, if voters perceive that you can’t help them, then why would they vote for you?

Related: Trolls Tear Into Diana Marua After Her House Help Comes Clean On How Much She Is Paid


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