Excitement As Zuchu’s Hit Song Appears In New Term 2023 Swahili Exam

Zuchu song in exam paper

Zuchu’s popular hit song released in 2022 appears as an exam question, in the 2023 paper.

Tanzanian blogger Jay Maudaku,shared the examination paper via his social media page.

Students were, as seen in the paper, tasked with breaking down artistic and musical techniques applied in the composition of the song Kwi Kwi, by Zuchu.

In the question paper, part of the songs lyric appear.

“Rakata rakata rakata mmh mmh
Rekete rekete rekete zombiee
Rikiti rikiti rikiti acha
Rukutu rukutu

Edikudo or medusa
Ilivyo longi inakwangua makoko
Na iyo mijudo
Mbona ntakufa
Mvua sunami, ntaharibu tandiko
Ah wee banaaa

Kwikwiii kwiikwi nitaliaaa
Kwikwiii kwiikwi ukiniachilia
Kwikwii kwiikwi nitaliaaa
Kwikwiii kwiikwi sio kwa unavyonipatia”

Zuchu song Kwi Kwi

According to fans of music and former students, Zuchu’s song is not the first time, such a scenario has happened in Tanzania’s school exams.

Sheishameed says, “Mbona cc elfu 2015 tulifanyia wimbo wa “zuwena usinipe mateso ya moyo: nimezunguka Tanzania bara” ko naona ni kawaida tu!”

Which simply means, (In 2015, we also did the song with lyrics “zuwena usinipe mateso ya moyo: nimezunguka Tanzania bara” so, I see it as just a normal thing!)

Diva James21 adds, “Sisi 2021 tulifanya nimekuzoea ya Nandy😂😂😂 ni hatari!”

(In 2021 we did a question in our exams about Nandy’s hit song, Nimekuzoea! It’s was crazy fan!)

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Mr Mbolole Yasin supports the move to examine on local music literacy saying, “Huu wimbo ni mzur kwenye kuwafundishia watoto kipengele Cha fani,, hongera mwalim husika!” (This is a good song to teach students some techniques used in music composition, congratulations to the teacher involved).

Zuchu was accused of copying the song’s lyrics and melodies in 2022.

Zuchu kwi kwi

Jonas claimed that Zuchu plagiarized portions of the lyrics, rhyme scheme, and dance moves from his song Wema wa Mungu, which was released in 2012 but was more commonly known as “Zunguka.”

According to reports, gospel singer Enock Jonas reportedly requested Tsh500 million, or roughly Ksh25 million, after condemning Zuchu for duplicating verses from his song.

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