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Nameless: I Would Be Dead If I Didn’t Change Seats With E-Sir

Nameless vividly recalls tragic events of March 16th 2003 as if they were yesterday, he was supposed to die that day but instead it was E-Sir who died.

On March 16th 2003, Kenya lost one of its greatest musicians in a road accident along the Nakuru-Nairobi Highway.

Nameless and E-sir were traveling on the same car when the accident happened. The two were on their way back to Nairobi from a concert at Afraha Stadium in Nakuru.

Nameless survived the accident but unfortunately E-Sir succumbed to his injuries.

Speaking during the launch of Pride ya Kenya, Nameless said the late E-Sir saved him from the jaws of death.

Nameless said E-Sir requested they change seats with him before the set off for Nairobi. Unfortunately the side that E-Sir was seated was the most affected by the impact of the crash.

Nameless escaped with just a broken collarbone while E-Sir lost his life in the tragic accident.

“My brother E-Sir, I always feel like I have a bro. The story behind his death is he moved me from the two seats, where I would have died. He was the one who moved me without even knowing he was telling me, ‘No, let’s sit here.’ I always feel like I have an obligation and a purpose to keep telling and I always ask myself why did God do that,” Nameless said.

Nameless encouraged young artistes to emulate E-Sir as he was very hard working and very humble.

“Humble means you are open to hear other things, you don’t feel like you know everything and that’s what made him grow so fast because he’d learn very fast. That’s something I always like to teach the young artistes.”


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