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Maina Kageni Proved Right As Corazon Speaks On Reuniting With Frankie

Maina Kageni said that Corazon Kwamboka wants Frankie back and it sounded like a joke, but he was dead right.

Corazon on February 20th 2022 announced breakup with her baby daddy Frankie marking an end to their two year relationship.

“I’m single. I choose me. Life goes on,” wrote Corazon Kwamboka.

In late February 2022, Maina Kageni on his radio show said that Corazon was giving some signs that she really wanted Frankie back despite having put up a social media post saying that she’s a single woman.

Maina urged the mother of two to pull down her breakup post on social media and reconcile with her baby daddy Frankie.

Fast forward to May, Corazon alluded to reconciliation with Frankie while speaking in a YouTube video. She said she couldn’t rule out the prospect of reuniting with her baby daddy because he is a person she previously loved.

“Never say never. This is someone that I loved, who knows,” Corazon said.

Frankie had earlier said during an interview with local publication that ‘he was still in a relationship’ with Corazon, but he didn’t state outright that they are back together.

“I still have a relationship with Corazon. No one walked out. I talk to her quite often and she is doing very well,” Frankie said.


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