Saturday, July 27, 2024

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King Kalala Attacks Jovial After Saying Men Are Naturally Polygamous

A healthy Kenyan man typically has seven sexual partners according to survey, do you agree with Jovial?

Jovial has ignited the debate once again by saying men as polygamous naturally.

According to a survey on sexual behavior patterns in Kenya, both men and women said they had s3x in the past year with someone who wasn’t their spouse or a roommate.

According to the Demographic and Health Survey report, 35% of males and just 19% of women reported having slept in the previous year with someone who wasn’t their spouse or someone who was living with them.

“More men (15%) than women (4%) admitted to having two or more sex partners in the year before the study.

In the past 12 months, 24% of women and 45% of males who had more than one partner reported using a condom during their most recent encounter, according to the study.

Talented singer Jovial, shared her comments via her stories, it’s not known if she’s generally speaking or talking out of personal experiences.


“Whilst women are? Toa hii takataka hapa!” King Kalala angrily shouts at Jovial’s sentiments.

Looks like Kalala means to say, women have also become polygamous, with many of them seeing several men all at a go, although secretly.

kalala jovial

Kalala is known for being outspoken and bold when it comes to life issues.

Will this turn into a back and forth exchange or beef?

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