Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Father Abraham! More Baby Mamas Come Out To Demand Miracle Baby To Take Responsibility

Miracle Baby of the defunct Gengetone group Sailors has impregnated over five women, and they are now giving him sleepless nights.

A few days ago, a 23-year-old lad who has a son with Miracle Baby exposed him as a deadbeat dad while speaking during an interview with Obinna.

She said the young rapper used to be very responsible after she got pregnant and in the first six months after she gave birth, however he got a girlfriend Carol Katrue and became irresponsible.

The 23-year-old told Obinna that the Gengetone rapper has many babies mamas, she approximated his baby mamas to be five.

Some of the women impregnated by Miracle Baby have started coming out to demand that he takes responsibility for his children.

Another lady who is currently pregnant for the rapper has since come out to warn his girlfriend Carol Katrue to prepare for war after she gives birth.

The lady identified as Brendah told Instagram gossip page Nairobi gossips that she is seven months pregnant for the gengetone rapper.

Brendah further said she is prepared for epic battle with Miracle Baby’s girlfriend Carol Katrue.

“So tell Carol Katrue hivi, aninyamazie nikizaa tu hivi atajua hajui. Acha tu vile anajifanya gangstar. She will know am the real b*tch na atajionea, acha huyi kiwete watu apone,” said Brendah.

Related: “Obinna Are You A Woman? I Warn You” Miracle Baby’s Girlfriend Carol Katrue Angrily Fires At Kiss FM Presenter


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