Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Kamene Goro Explains The Source Of Her Beef With Andrew Kibe

Kamene Goro has revealed that Jalang’o and Oga Obinna are the best co-hosts she has had in the years she has worked at Kiss FM.

She however denied claims that she did not enjoy working with Andrew Kibe, who was her first co-host at the Radio Africa-owned station.

According to her, she just realized that her working relationship with Kibe was not healthy after having the other co-hosts.

Kamene said that she was great friends with Kibe but the friendship was affected when she did not choose to leave Kiss FM with him in 2020.

“Kibe was my friend and I think when he left here, he had an expectation that I would leave with him. It did not settle well with him that my life took a different turn,” she said in a press briefing on Friday.

Kamene added that her beef with him began when he started  ruining her reputation. She also said that she finds Kibe’s content distasteful.

“I don’t really understand why he does what he does nowadays. I just had a better experience with my other co-hosts. I am not someone to hate someone. I feel like what he does is extremely distasteful  but it works for some people. It is content,” she said

“I have no personal beef with him. I didn’t wrong him, he is the one who started wronging me by talking about my business and even lying about some of the stuff he says about me. My beef is when he started dragging my name through the mad unnecessarily for views or likes,” the radio presenter added.

Kamene further said that she has never reached to Kibe to confront him about that.



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