Saturday, July 27, 2024

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“If I Kept Fighting For Samidoh Saa Hii Ningekua Oljororok,” – Karen Nyamu

Karen Nyamu admits she was a total fool fighting for Samidoh as she now sees the opportunities she missed.

The nominated senator recently took to social media and shared a photo posing with the Philippines ambassador to Saudi Arabia while in Riyadh.

“With the Philippines Ambassador to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mr Rommel A. Romato when the Kenyan delegation called on his team at the Philippines Embassy. The meeting presented an opportunity to query and gain insight into their processes, standards and the general welfare of their migrant workers
Philippines has the highest number of migrant workers in Saudi Arabia at 700,000 with 49% being domestic/unskilled labour while 51% is skilled,” Karen Nyamu wrote.

Commenting on Karen Nyamu’s post, a netizen told her she couldn’t have such opportunities to rub shoulders with such diplomats if she was still chasing after Samidoh.

“Good job Karen ungeendelea kungangania Samido ungepatana aje with great people saa hizi ungekua kule ukilala na bwana wa wenyewe,” Chumbaa Eunice commented.

Reacting to Eunice’s comment, Karen Nyamu admitted that she would be in Oljororok, which is Samidoh’s home town, being lied to as usual if she was still chasing after her baby daddy.

She went ahead and thanked God saying he rescued her and removed her from the roots which were meant to finish her.

“Chumbaa Eunice saa hii ningekua jororoko gathuku to be precise. Lake olbolosat ngihenio hehehe! Ngai nake arathara aranduta na roots,” Karen Nyamu responded.

Karen Nyamu announced that she had broken up with Samidoh forever following the drama in Dubai in December 2022.

“Great and powerful women will attest that many times our weakest link is the men we get involved with. I am stopping the pattern. I have made a conscious decision to end for good my involvement with the father of my babies and now ex-Samidoh Muchoki.

“I know I could have called him and ended it quietly but I decided to make this as public as the drama and controversy have been. This had become a concern, especially with the position I hold as a member of the 4th senate,” Nyamu wrote.

At the same time, the first-time senator also affirmed that she was not embarrassed by what happened in Dubai.

“You know guys I have no regrets from last night, I don’t wish I did things any differently. I however promise you that it is the last time your girl will ever be involved in a situation like that ever again.“I am very fortunate to be bestowed upon me the honour and responsibility of leadership in the country. To be a people’s representative in parliament is an opportunity I treasure and take very seriously, she wrote.

Before announcing she had broken up with Samidoh for good, Nyamu had vowed not to dump her baby daddy since they had young children to raise.

“Unaamka na mtu alafu jioni drama. Mniombee juu staki drama 2023. Wenye wanasema nilichoma ni juu ya pombe. I was having fun on stage but next year nitaacha, lakini siachi Samidoh, kitu nitaacha ni pombe na drama. Lazima tulee watoto,” she said.

Related: “What Men Want” – Samidoh Reveals How He Wants To Be Treated After Karen Nyamu Dumped Him


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