Saturday, July 27, 2024

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“Niache” Diana Marua Claims Bahati Doesn’t Appreciate Her Enough

“Hiyo gym inamaliza haga” “I felt so unappreciated” Diana Marua tells Bahati to leave her alone, refuses to listen as he tries to calm her down.

Bahati and Diana Marua have been engaged in heated arguments lately, which have gained public attention. The couple, known for their prominent presence in the entertainment industry, often discuss their intimate feelings on camera normally for views and entertainment.

In her latest episode of Diana Bahati, she says her husband doesn’t appreciate what she does for him. Diana claims he has refused to use a gift she bought over 8 months ago.

For this, Diana Marua feels so unappreciated and she would love to see him put it into use instead of struggling with work with an old laptop.

In a recent video on her YouTube channel, Diana Marua reminded Bahati of the significant role she believes she played in his success. According to Diana, she claimed that without her influence, Bahati would still be struggling and unsure of his direction.

Diana Marua To Bahati: You Make Me Feel Like I Am The Bad Parent  Sometimes Diana boldly stated, “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have this house, those kids, or those four cars…you owe me a lot.” However, Bahati quickly interjected, attributing all their achievements to the grace of God. He emphasized that it was God’s doing, not solely Diana’s.

Despite Bahati’s response, Diana stood firm in her belief that she played a pivotal role in bringing positive change to his life. She asserted, “Correction…if it wasn’t for God working through me, you would still be suffering, making poor choices.”

Reflecting on their dating life, Diana Marua fondly recalled how she first met Bahati during a music video shoot. In the video, Diana was cast as a vixen, and amidst the attention she received from other individuals, Bahati’s persistence stood out to her.

During that time, Bahati resided in Ruaka while Diana lived in Syokimau, and despite the distance between them, Bahati made the effort to drive all the way to see her, often during the evening hours.Bahati

“We crossed paths on the set of a music video, and even though other guys were showing interest, I wasn’t really interested at the time. I had just gone through a heartbreak. But a few weeks later, Bahati drove all the way from Ruaka to Syokimau just to see me,” Diana fondly shared.

She expressed her appreciation for Bahati’s gesture, describing it as sweet and endearing. This act of going the extra mile to spend time with her left a positive impression on Diana and furthered their connection.

Bahati also informed Diana, that her derriere is reducing quick and fast; since she began her gym routine.

It could look like a joke purely but from where I stand, he was basically saying like it is because some netizens have also noticed the change on her sitting allowances.

Their little drama once in a while, has become an addictive drug, so addictive that fans keep following and watching Diana’s channel.

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