Social media influencer and content creator Georgina Njenga got her firstborn daughter at around the age of 20 years. She was still young and just coming out of her teen years. Her co-parent Tyler Mbaya was equally young.
In a podcast with Morin Actress, Georgina admits that it hasn’t been easy, sharing some of the struggles and dynamics of being a young mum saying one has to be emotionally ready before deciding to have a baby.
One of the challenges she went through was that she was limited on outdoor activities after getting pregnant and delivering.
“It was crazy. Am an outgoing person then all of a sudden you can’t go outdoors because you want to do a reveal. I can count the number of times I was outside after my pregnancy passed three months,” the mother of one said.
Aside from that, she encountered serious postpartum depression.
“My daughter was preterm so she was so tiny, I was scared to leave her, the feeling of a new mum, you are more attached to them unlike when they are already grown. I got serious postpartum,” she explained.
Additionally, she felt left out by her friends as she could no longer hang out with them.
“I could see them going out and I am confined in the house with the pregnancy, it’s a little bit emotional,” she said.
Another challenge is finding a boyfriend in her situation.
“You have a kid, finding a person of your age is so difficult or you can’t relate. Most of the people who are older are married that is the problem with us, why we don’t get into relationships,” she said.
Also, the men coming her way might fail to show interest in her child, which is a big deal to her.
“There are those who even don’t care about the child. It is better the one who wants to use the child to get to me but it’s hard,” she said adding that there are those who are even not genuine.
”You don’t know why they are coming, there are those who want to flex because they are dating a celebrity,” she said.
Pregnancy and delivering comes with baby fat. Georgina was no exception to this and in return she was forced to go through body shaming.
“The trolls were too much and still when am tiny the trolls are still there,” she said.
Raising her daughter Astra
According to her, if she would have gotten chance to go back in time, becoming a mum is a decision she would have taken time to reconsider.
“I’m still young but at the end of it all I think it in a bigger picture I can decide I don’t want to get married again I can decide I don’t want have other kids. At the point of my life I have the liberty to choose what I want unlike someone who has no child. Someone who has no child has the pressure of getting married, living with a man, get kids but that I have already experienced,” she said.
Not that she doesn’t want to marriage, but at her age, she would consider a contract marriage but she desires a solid family in the future.
Her child will be joining school in May and she is already in the mood, feeling the pressure that parents with school-going children go through.

“I get stressed when I think about school fees, research on the kind of schools that I want her to join. As much as he(Tyler Mbaya) is providing, I won’t rely on any man, I would rather have my own plan such that if his fails, I will still have mine. I won’t depend on anyone with my kid,” she said as she gave a sneak peek of how her relationship with Tyler came about and how they ended up with a baby.
“He was telling me about his traumas and I was telling him about my traumas, we moved in day one. I feel like it was more of a trauma bond. Then in between the relationship was toxic so can we just get a child to heal the relationship. Honestly, I knew about the pregnancy when it was like a month and I had the choice to get rid of it if I wanted, so I usually say I decided to because the relationship was toxic, we were just kids,” she said.
The Scandal
Georgina’s nude video was leaked online. The same thing has happened to her baby daddy twice recently. She is however positive that people will eventually forget about the videos and her daughter wouldn’t have to come across them.
“It bothers me, everything that has happened. 20 years from now, many things will have happened. Online will not forget but you can’t remember everything about a person that happened 10 years ago. I can’t remember what was in the blogs and even when I remember, I remember the most recent ones , when you think about it logically, by the time she(her daughter) is growing up, there will be a lot of things that would have happened,” she said.
She added that she will also prepare her child in advance in case one day she comes up with any questions about the scandals.
“I can even deny it,” she laughed.
Georgina’s advice to young girls in relationships
Georgina says she will never advise young girls to get pregnant at the age she did.
“Don’t rush, learn from us, I know you will say ‘yours is not like mine, mine is going to be different.’ Trust me, I also said the same thing,” she said acknowledging the fact that there are young relationships that are thriving while others end badly.