To enforcers, it might have seemed as a way of instilling discipline over their actions, but to the victims, it was a case of severe torture, trauma and assault. Nyamira County has made headlines in the past few months over such cases, with some ending fatally. Here are some that caught the country’s attention in the past few months;
Woman assaulted for refusing to take part in traditional burial rites
In a viral video, Mellen Mogaka is captured being manhandled and forced to her ex-husband’s grave, so that she can throw soil over it as it is the norm. The incident happened in March 21, 2025 at Nyabisima village, Nyamira county. The deceased is said to have died in a road accident. When Mellen arrived at the burial with their children, following a request from her ‘mother-in-law, she was asked to throw soil at the grave but refused, a move that sparked claims that she was responsible for her ex husband’s death.
According to Mellen, there had been plans to hinder her from escaping from the funeral, with security heightened by boda boda guys. As they forced her to partake in the rite, soil was poured on her body including her private part as well as her ears. She was also forced to lick the soil. Another heinous thing that was done is that she was locked with the body of the dead man.
Three people were arrested over the assault that was subjected to Mellen.
“The suspects identified as Robert Pokea Saudi, 43, Bismark Ondiek Sarudi, 40 and Lameck Ogindo Osoro, 27, allegedly forced the woman to participate in traditional rituals against her will, where they assaulted her, inflicting injuries on her body,” DCI said in a statement.
Principal assaults teacher over late coming
Towards the end of last month, Vincent Onyancha, a teacher from Nyamira ended up in hospital after the principal of the school that he teaches attacked him while he was in class over late coming. Onyancha arrived in school minutes late and headed straight for the class. The principal followed him to the class and attacked him.
“On Friday, February 21, I reported to work at the school a bit late. Once I arrived, I went to class and started teaching. When I was teaching, the principal came in and started beating me up. He slapped me and beat me so hard. Afterwards, he dragged me into his office where he brought me to the ground, striking blows and kicking me. I got serious injuries and had to be taken to hospital and got admitted,” he said.
The incident left him with a partially destroyed eardrum, injuries on his groin area and other parts of his body.
Teen ends her life after being humiliated by chief
In another heartbreaking incident, an 18-year old identified as Joyce Bonareri from Bogeche village took away her life in July 2024. At the time she was just in form one. Joyce decided to end her life after being humiliated in public, together with her father by Amabuko Assistant Chief Simon Osano. Osano is said to have summoned Joyce and her father for a talk after she missed school when the chief descended on her with strokes of canes. The chief flogged her while naked. When her father tried to intervene, the administrator also subjected him to the punishment, flogging him. He further asked the father to cut fodder for his livestock at his farm as punishment.
The assistant chief accused her of skipping school to spend time with boys. For this, the administrator reportedly whipped Joyce private parts with a stinging nettle.
Joyce couldn’t take the humiliation she went through hence the decision to do away with her life, leaving behind a note she addressed to the assistant chief. She also issued directions on who should take care of the child she left behind.
Student collapses during national exams after being beaten
In November last year, during the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exams, a student was left unconscious after receiving a beating from an official from the education ministry.
While the candidates were taking their exams, Beatrice Kendi, a quality and assurance officer entered a classroom and spotted the victim chewing what she believed was an unauthorised material in the exam room. She approached the candidate and rained several slaps on her. The students collapsed shortly when the exam was about to end.
“She moved closer and slapped the student severally but did not recover any exhibit to effect,” the police report revealed.
She was taken to a dispensary and was later discharged.
Teacher subjects student to 107 strokes of cane
On March 26, 2023, Jackson Marucha, a teacher as Riang’ombe SDA Primary boarding, subjected a learner, Titus Ondari, who was 9 years then, by flogging him 107 times, because of misplacing his school uniform.
Following the punishment, the boy was unable to walk or even sit. Upon realising the weight of his actions, the teacher locked the boy in the dormitory, preventing him from seeking medical attention. Relatives who also came to visit the boy were blocked from seeing him.
The teacher went into hiding for three days after the incident but a case was filed against him. In November last year, the teacher was sentenced to jail for three years with an alternative of Kshs300,000 fine. The minor’s family was not satisfied with the ruling and expressed intentions to appeal.